
Please share our story with a friend, a colleague and/or a family member. Bring them to our farm for a tour, share our website, and/or share on social media!

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Become a Volunteer
Your time, gifts, and talent can make a real difference in people’s lives.

Harvest for the Hungry depends on volunteers’ time, talent, and treasure to create a community free of hunger. Our volunteers are the lifeline of our organization. Whatever your interests, skills, and schedule may be, we will find an opportunity that’s right for you. Please join us today and discover how you can make a difference!

Monthly Community Champion:

Kimberly Mayer is our Community Champion this February. She leads the teaching for the Junior Master Gardeners every first and third Saturday of each month. She also played a big role in planning our Beginner Farmers and Rancher Development Program by helping us find specialists to teach. With her and The Master Gardeners help we built our children’s garden last spring. Kimberly does so much for Brazoria County as a whole and helps us stay connected to our community.

Spotlight Organizations:

The Master Gardeners of Brazoria County

This month we would like to give a huge thank you to all The Master Gardeners. This community of green thumbed people come out every other Saturday to teach our children a fun lesson in gardening. They don’t only teach our youth the magic of this green planet, they also lend a helping hand to the farm when needed. Some of them will stay after the lessons for people who want to know more about gardening, and some even donate starter plants to help us fill our beds. This group pushes for education in farming and gardening so much they partnered with us in developing The Beginners Farmers and Ranchers program.

Thank you to all our partners! With your support, Harvest for the Hungry is able to fulfill its mission to provide fresh and healthy farm-to-table food for those in need.
